Refunds & Cancellation Policy

10 February 2021

Refunds policy

1 Purpose

This policy provides the guidance for application of refunds for event fees and overpaid membership and joining fees for Encouraging Women in Horticulture Australia Incorporated (EWHA, the association).

2 Issuing of refunds

2.1 Cancelled event

If an event is cancelled by EWHA, then a full refund will be offered to members and guests. Members and guests have the option to be paid the refund, or for EWHA to hold it in credit for them for a future event.
If the cancelled event is to be rescheduled to a new time and/or date1 and maintains the much the same content, then the attendees could be offered a booking for the future event at the fee already paid (even if the fee increases for the rescheduled event), and no refund would be made or funds held in credit.

2.2 Non-attendance

Whilst EWHA seeks to cover some of the costs associated with running events by charging a fee, it also seeks to encourage participation and to support women in horticulture by ensuring that that fee is not too high to start with, and that the cost penalty for not attending an event is reasonable.

If the booked in member or guest advises that they will not be attending the event prior to the event, then a partial or full refund may be offered, depending on a number of factors. The length of notice required to be given to qualify for a refund may vary with each event and is determined by considering what costs EWHA has committed to prior to that notice being given. For example, if catering numbers are required a few days before the event, say four days, and cannot be altered, then only a partial refund would be applicable if notice of non-attendance was given within that four day period, and at least 24 hours before the event.

If members or guests advise that they are not attending with less than 24 hours’ notice, or do not attend, then no refund is applicable. If payment has not been received, these members or guests will be sent an invoice, which is expected to be paid.

The Committee will determine the applicable refund options for each event based on, but not limited to, the following considerations:
• Notice period based on when EWHA is required to commit to expenditure, eg, catering;

  • Amount of refund related to the variable amount for each attendee (eg, catering costs per person), but not the cost of a speaker, which does not vary with the number of attendees;
  • Whether members or guests can substitute other people to attend in their absence, and what notice period is required for this;
  • Whether the event has a limited number of participants, and that limit is expected to be reached (eg, the Green Roof Tour, where the ticket could have been sold to someone else);
  • The significance of the event, eg, if a number of key speakers are involved, and EWHA seeks to have a good representation of members in attendance.

A non-attendance fee would not be applied to an event that is free to members (even if costs have been incurred, eg, catering, and a substitution is not possible).

Unless otherwise determined, the following guidelines for a refund on non-attendance at an event will apply to all events where an attendance fee is paid:

  • 0 – 2 days’ notice of non-attendance then no refund;
  • 2 – 7 days’ notice of non-attendance then 75% refund;
  • 7+ days’ notice of non-attendance then 100% refund.

2.3 Membership (joining) fee over-payment

Where the membership fee, especially on joining, is overpaid – usually as a result of a new member joining part way through the year and paying the full year’s fee rather than the pro rata amount – the member is entitled to a refund of this over-payment. This refund can be a cash payment, or held in credit for future events or membership fees, at the discretion of the member.

2.4 Policy statement

Aside from the Policy described above, event flyers and brochures will include the one line statement “Refund/cancellation conditions apply- see website for details”.

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