Spotlight on a member

Spotlight on a member: Shannon Blackbourn

Spotlight on a member: Shannon Blackbourn

One of our newest members, Shannon Blackbourn hails from Canberra and runs her own landscaping business ‘Panacea Landscapes’. After helping out with MIFGS show gardens last year, Shannon decided to enter her own garden this year, taking on all the added complexities that being an interstate entrant entails.
She entered gardens in both the Border Garden and Balcony Garden Competitions and promptly took out first prize for her Balcony garden!

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Spotlight on a member: Sue Vernes

Spotlight on a member: Sue Vernes

Here we shine a light on one of our long-time members, Sue Vernes. Sue served on our Committee as President some years ago and brought to it a vitality and drive for change. Her life journey took her on some tangents but she felt grounded as “…EWHA assisted so many of us women to collaborate, share knowledge and experiences and support each other as we found a place in this industry”.

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