Empowering the Women of Horticulture

person farming vegetables

Current and emerging female leaders in the Australian horticulture industry can now apply for a leadership development scholarship valued up to $10,941.

The scholarship, which is celebrating its second year, is funded by Hort Innovation and Women & Leadership Australia (WLA), with the scholarship grants covering up to 60 per cent of the cost of the following three types of training programs:

  • The Accelerated Leadership Performance Program
  • The Executive Ready Program
  • The Advanced Leadership Program

Participants will learn skills such as heightened presence and influence, managing team dynamics and driving performance and leading innovation and change.

With positive shifts already seen in the attitudes towards women in horticulture, Hort innovation and NGIV hope to encourage more women into taking leadership roles within the industry.

The funding is available to individuals and groups of employees who own or work within businesses that pay a levy to Hort Innovation.

Expressions of interest close on Friday, 7 December at 5pm AEDT, for more information and to apply follow the links:

Apply via the WLA website, visit www.wla.edu.au/horticulture.html

For more information about the partnership with Hort Innovation, click here  

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