AGM and AB Bishop’s journey in horticulture

Join us for dinner as we learn about one woman’s exciting career in horticulture. Our guest speaker will be horticultural journalist, conservationist and habitat consultant, AB Bishop.

AB is the Horticultural Editor of Gardening Australia magazine and a host on Melbourne’s 3CR Gardening Show. She was a researcher for ABC TV Gardening Australia and has authored several books focusing on Australian flora and fauna, including Habitat: A practical guide to creating a wildlife friendly Australian garden. AB shares her insights into developing a career in horticultural media.

Please note that our AGM will be held at 6.30pm prior to canapes. Meet at 6.00pm for 6.30pm start.


Location – Imperial Hotel 2-8 Bourke St, Melbourne. Treasury Room

Cost per head – EWHA member $60.00 / non-member $70.00 PURCHASE TICKETS HERE

A set menu of hot and cold canapes, plus 1 substantial dish are included in the price of admission. Drinks are at your own expense.
RSVP & payment – no later than the 11th of August
Event contact person – Emma Herd 04 3836 7845

This event is proudly sponsored by Warners Nurseries

& EWHA gold sponsors, Collectors Corner & Haars Nursery

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